Breathe. Then pick up your baby.

Jun 10, 2017

Has it occurred to you that every time you pick up your baby you could be strengthening your core? Has it occurred to you that every time you pick up your baby you could be damaging your lower back?

This short tutorial will show you how to use your breath to "turn on" your deep core muscles before picking up baby - which will strengthen your core over time, and help to protect your lower back from injury.


As you move through your day, find a few moments to practice this deep-core breathing. Do it ten times a day and you will be surprised how quickly you find your abs are stronger, you feel like you can stand up taller and you feel less of a need to 'suck your belly in'.

Any questions, please feel free to come to a class (sign up via our schedule page) or contact me directly via my @blairfillingham instagram page.

Namaste, beautiful mama!

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