Sep 04, 2024

Ah, womb consciousness—a fascinating and deeply mystical topic!  

Shira Starfire is someone who delves into these realms. She’s a writer, a medicine woman, and a seeker on a path of devotion. You can find more about her work at The Original Medicine. Her words resonate with a raw authenticity, touching on the wounds that lead us to healing and transformation. 

Shira is opening her next Womb Consciousness Women’s Circle, and you are invited! 

The 3-month mentorship circle explores the sacred feminine, the wisdom held within our bodies, and the interconnectedness of all life. It’s a space where women come together to honor their own womb space and connect with the collective womb of humanity. 

If you’re curious about diving deeper into womb consciousness, perhaps consider joining one of Shira’s circles or exploring her writings. After all, the womb isn’t just a physical space—it’s a portal to profound wisdom and ancient knowing. 

Have you ever explored topics related to womb consciousness or participated in any similar gatherings?

Listen to Blair and Shira talk about the experience of joining other women in a circle with Shira...

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